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  • 作家相片HK-Schools




  1. 寫一個有關你暑假期間參觀過的地方的描寫性段落。

  2. 寫一個敘述故事,講述你克服困難的經歷。

  3. 寫一篇論文,辯論支持或反對校服。

  4. 寫一個創意作品,講述未來世界中機器人成為日常生活的一部分。

  5. 寫一份報告,介紹一位你欣賞的著名人物,並解釋他們對你的重要性。


"If I Won the Lottery"

60 Minutes

If I won the lottery, it would be a dream come true! There are so many things I could do with all that money. First of all, I would give some of the money to my family and friends. I would make sure that they have everything they need and want, because they are the most important people in my life.

Next, I would donate some of the money to charity. There are so many people in need, and I want to help them in any way I can. I would give money to organizations that help children, the homeless, and animals. I believe that giving back to others is one of the most important things we can do in life.

After that, I would use some of the money to travel the world. I have always wanted to see different countries and experience different cultures. I would love to go to places like Japan, France, and Australia. I would also use the money to take my family on a trip to Disney World, because that is something we have always wanted to do together.

Finally, I would save some of the money for the future. I would put it in a bank account or invest it, so that I can use it later in life. It would be amazing to have the security of knowing that I have money saved for the future.

In conclusion, winning the lottery would be an incredible experience. I would use the money to help my family and friends, give back to others, travel the world, and save for the future. While winning the lottery may seem like a dream, I believe that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.


Spelling (20/20): The essay has no spelling errors.

Flow (19/20): The essay has a good flow and the ideas are presented in a logical sequence. The essay starts by introducing the excitement of winning the lottery, followed by explaining how the writer would use the money to help their family and friends, donate to charity, travel the world, and save for the future. The transitions between paragraphs are smooth, except for a slightly abrupt transition from the second to the third paragraph.

Grammar (18/20): The essay has strong grammar overall, with correct verb tenses and sentence structures. There are a few minor errors, such as using "would" twice in "I would use the money to help my family and friends, would give back to others", which is not necessary. Additionally, some sentences could be rephrased to improve clarity, such as "I would also use the money to take my family on a trip to Disney World, because that is something we have always wanted to do together" could be rephrased to "I would also take my family on a trip to Disney World, which is something we have always wanted to do together, using the money."

Content (20/20): The essay has excellent content, with well-developed ideas and examples. The writer effectively addresses the prompt and offers thoughtful insights. The writer clearly explains how they would use the money to help others, fulfill their own dreams, and plan for the future.

Use of vocabulary (19/20): The writer demonstrates a strong command of vocabulary and uses a variety of words to convey their ideas. There are a few instances where the vocabulary could be improved, such as using "incredible" twice in "winning the lottery would be an incredible experience", and "hard work and determination" could be rephrased to "perseverance and diligence".

The essay scores a total of 96 out of 100.



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