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ISF Academy

  • IB average score 2024: 38.5, with 2 students achieving the full score of 45

  • 45% of students achieved 40+ or more

  • 65% of students obtained bilingual diploma

Notable university placement 2024:

  • UK: Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, LSE, Durham

  • US: Columbia, Dartmouth, UPenn, Stanford, Georgia Tech, NYU, Northwestern, UC, Michigan, USC,

  • Others: HKU, CU, HKUST, U. of Toronto (Canada), UBC (Canada), U. of Sydney (Aus), Tsinghua (China)

Hong Kong International School

  • SAT 2024: Verbal 700 Math 730

Notable university placement 2024:

  • US: Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, Stanford, UPenn, UCLA, Berkeley, Michigan, Chicago, USC

  • UK: Imperial, UCL, Durham, Cambridge,

  • Others: HKU, HKUST, U. of Toronto (Canada), UBC (Canada)

Singapore International School

  • IB average score 2024: 38.9, with 3 students achieving the full score of 45

  • 54% achieve 40+

  • 44% of students obtained the bilingual diploma

  • Students attend universities in Singapore and UK

Notable university placement 2024:

  • Singapore: National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University

  • UK: Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, KCL, UCL, LSE

  • US: Yale, Chicago, NYU, UCLA

  • Others: HKU, HKUST, CUHK, SFU (Canada), UT (Canada), UBC (Canada)

Canadian International School

  • IB average score 2024: 38, with 2 students achieving the full score of 45

  • 38% achieve 40+

  • 10% of students obtained the bilingual diploma

  • Students attend universities primarily in Canada, US and UK

Notable university placement 2024:

  • Canada: U. of Toronto, UBC, SFU

  • US: Cornell, Berkeley, UCLA, Michigan, USC, NYU

  • UK: Durham, Imperial, UCL, KCL,

  • Other: HKU, HKUST, CUHK

Victoria Shanghai Academy

  • IB average score 2024: 38.3, with 1 student achieving the full score of 45

  • 44% of students scored 40+

  • 49% of students obtained the bilingual diploma

Notable university placement 2024:

  • UK: Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, UCL, LSE

  • US: Stanford, Columbia, Duke, Berkeley, UCLA, USC, NYU

  • Others: HKU, HKUST, CUHK, Peking University, U. of Toronto (Canada), U. of Sydney (Aus),

Yew Chung International School

  • IB average score 2024: unpublished; with 2 students achieving the full score of 45

  • 27% of students scored over 40+

  • 62% of students obtained bilingual diploma

  • Students attend universities in UK, US, HK and Canada

Notable university placement 2024:

  • UK: Oxford, Imperial, UCL, KCL, LSE,

  • US: Stanford, Berkeley

  • Others: HKU, HKUST, CUHK, U. of Toronto (Canada), UBC (Canada), U. of Sydney (Aus), Tsinghua University (China)

Malvern College Hong Kong

  • IB average score 2024: 36.6 (estimated)

  • Students attend universities in UK, HK

Notable university placement for 2024:

  • UK: LSE, UCL, KCL, Manchester


  • Canada: University of Toronto, UBC

DSC International School

Notable university placement for 2024:

  • UK: KCL, UCL, Manchester


  • Canada: University of Toronto

Kiangsu & Chekiang Internatioanl School

  • IB average score 2024: not published

  • 22% of students scored 40+

  • Students attend universities in UK, HK

Notable university placement for 2024:

  • UK: UCL, Manchester


Stamford American International School

  • IB average score 2024: 31.5

  • 22% of students scored 40+

  • 40% of students obtained bilingual diploma

Notable university placement for 2024:

  • US: UC Irvine, Boston U, Purdue, Syracuse

  • UK: KCL, UCL, Imperial


  • Canada: University of Toronto, UBC

  • Australia: University of Sydney

More to come. Stay tuned with us!

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