2022 IB Rankings
The results of the 2022 International Baccalaureate exam were released last week. There were over 173,000 IB candidates in 2022, with a global average score of 31.98 which is one point lower than last year. 640 candidates worldwide successfully attained a perfect score of 45, decreasing from 1,155 in 2021.
In Hong Kong, there are currently 37 IB schools offering IB Diploma Programme. This year, 2,213 candidates were participating in the IB exam, with an average of 38.36 points attained. Although the average score has slightly decreased from 38.93 points in 2021, it still surpasses the global average. A total of 93 candidates also attained the full score of 45, which is 37 fewer than last year.
Top 5 Hong Kong IB Schools in 2022 (by average score)*
1. St Paul's Co-educational College
2. Diocesan Boys' School
3. German Swiss International School
4. The Independent Schools Foundation Academy
5. Chinese International School
According to the latest published figures, St Paul's Co-educational College is again the top Hong Kong IB school, with the highest 2022’s average of 42.8 points. There are also 12 top scorers coming from St Paul’s, as well as 17 candidates obtaining 44 points and 14 candidates obtaining 43 points. Candidates from Diocesan Boys' School also performed well this year, with an average of 42 points, as well as 5, attaining the perfect score, 13 obtaining 44 points and 13 obtaining 43 points.
For international schools, German Swiss International School achieved an average of 41 points, with 5 top scorers. For the ISF Academy, the average point is 40.8, with 4 candidates achieving the perfect score and a total of 14 candidates achieving 44 or 43 points. Another international school with an average point of 40 is Singapore International School (Hong Kong), with 3 candidates attaining the full score.
ESF schools had a strong showing - a total of 36 candidates achieved the perfect score, with an average point of 37.9. Shatin College had a stellar average of 39, making the school the highest ranking ESF school yet again.
We note significant improvement from Victoria Shanghai Academy, which jumped from 37.5 to 39.4 this year, as well as Creative Secondary School, which jumped from 36.5 to 38.
We look forward to next year’s results which would include new schools such as Malvern College Hong Kong and Stamford American School.
* Disclaimer: These scores were updated as of August 2022.

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